"Robustness, from a wooly concept to operational measures"

"Robustness, from a wooly concept to operational measures"

Organisé par la transversalité modélisation génétique de l’unité GenPhySE (Inra Occitanie-Toulouse), Masoomeh Taghipoor (INRA – MoSAR) animera un séminaire le vendredi 8 février 2019, de 10h00 à 12h00, en salle 302 FRAIB 3450.


Farm animals are constantly facing perturbations due to changing environmental and farm conditions. Characterization of animal response when faced with these perturbations which influence its performance and health is of main concern to ensure a sustainable production. Because of the lack of cheap phenotyping tools in the past, existing models of farm animals’ performance account to a limited extent for environmental variation. With novel monitoring technologies, it is now possible to evaluate the impact of these perturbations on animal performance in real time and with a high frequency.

The objective of this talk is to explain how mathematical and statistical models help to characterize and quantify the adaptive response of the animal; and also to see how the evolution in monitoring technologies may affect the modeling strategy. To do so, three models will be presented, from the most mechanistic one to the purely data-driven model, to study the performance of production of growing pigs, when they are faced with a perturbation of unknown origin.

In these models, new parameters are introduced to describe the adaptive response of animals when faced with perturbations. The main interest of this characterization is to define new standards to rank animals based on their adaptive capacity.

A noter:

Masoomeh Taghipoor participera également à l'animation de la formation Robustness: from a wooly concept to operational measures (April 2019)