"How much maths does a Biologist need, and vice versa?"

Séminaire IMABS: "How much maths does a Biologist need, and vice versa?"

Le vendredi 16 novembre 2018, <a href="https://people.csiro.au/R/T/Toni-Reverter-Gomez.aspx">Toni Reverter-Gomez</a> (CSIRO, Australie) animera un séminaire dans la salle de conférence Marc Ridet (Inra, site d'Auzeville), de 10h30 à 12h00. Une transmission en visioconférence sera réalisée sur le site Inra de Saint-Martin du Touch, Salle Pont-Neuf à Toxalim.<br> Une collation d'accueil sera proposée aux participants, dans le hall d'entrée de l'Accueil du Centre Inra, à 10h00 (devant la salle Marc Ridet).


“Every new body of discovery is mathematical in form, because there is no other guidance we can have” (Charles Darwin, 1809–1882).

Biology is now awash with information, often with gigabytes of molecular data (DNA sequences; RNA expression levels; protein, metabolic, and methylation profiles) for each individual in a study.  Hidden within this vast mass of data are hopefully strong signals that can be exploited for novel insight, and the search for such signals goes under a number of different names such as bioinformatics and systems biology.  A number of molecular biologists are very proficient in generating such data, but only a handful of researchers have the requisite skills to develop and use the next generation of high dimensional statistics needed to find true associations. From a diametrically opposed side, Mathematicians have devoted enormous efforts to develop quantitative theory of the structure, organization, and dynamics of living systems. Questions such as at what speed should humans change from walking to running? Or how should an individual animal divide its resources, between growth and reproduction, to maximize its fitness? Are illuminated by the powerful methods of optimization theory. With a preference for quantitative genetics and genomics, in this seminar I will offer an opinionated overview of positives, and not so positives synergies between biology and mathematics.

En savoir plus sur Toni Reverter-Gomez